Thursday, October 27

raw lemon cookies!

I have a confession to make. It's not easy...having the World's Most Insatiable Sweet Tooth. I've been preparing tons of raw desserts lately and fighting cravings left and right. Autumn is the worst time of the year, with all the Halloween treats and pumpkin spiciness. Today, I looked longingly at a ginormous Halloweeny-decorated chocolate chip cookie at the grocery store. Then, I promptly came home and whipped up a batch of these!

Now, before I share the recipe; I want to post a disclaimer: 

  • I am completely new to raw food.
  • I haven't had THE greatest raw food ever and am not quite familiar with how certain foods and flavours fit together. 
With that said, I thought these were awesome. Tangy, satisfying, texturally appealing, with a hint of sweetness from the agave. Totally different from any cookies I've ever made before and not nearly as rot-your-teeth-out sweet as I'm accustomed; but so darn tasty! Incredibly easy, too. Thanks (again!) go to Laura-Jane the Rawtarian, who provided the base recipe that I modified to my tastes/needs.

Raw Lemon Cookies:

  • 1/2 cup raw cashews
  • 1/2 cup raw pecans
  • 1 medium lemon, juiced
  • 2 - 3 tablespoons agave 
  • 3/4 cup unsweetened coconut flakes
  • 1 teaspoon almond extract
Pulse together cashews and pecans in food processor until they are fine, chunk-free, and well-mixed. Add coconut and process again until thoroughly mixed. Add lemon juice, agave, and almond extract and process once more until the mixture is moist and of a dough-like consistency. 

Roll heaping teaspoonfuls of dough between palms, place on parchment paper-lined dehydrator sheets, and flatten. Dehydrate for 8-10 hours. 

This recipe makes about 10-12 small cookies. 

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